Top 200 WW II Topics To Write About

April 1, 2021

Most students know that it takes a great choice of topic when writing an essay. Students can usually find good topics by reviewing classroom lecture notes, textbooks, or on the web. Finding good WWII research paper topics might be a little trickier because there aren’t many new questions being discussed. While there are hundreds of great discussions around WW II topics worth researching and writing about, students usually do better when they write about something unique and are interesting WW2 topics. Here are some WWII essay topics you might want to consider for an assignment. We also advise you to...


Top 100 Sustainability Topics For Your Research Projects

March 25, 2021

Many students struggle to find good sustainability topics for their academic papers and essays. That’s because educators expect them to come up with persuasive, narrative, and informative write-ups. Ideally, learners should choose sustainable topics that most people will find interesting to read about. Writing a research paper on this subject can increase the employability of a student by demonstrating their awareness and knowledge of important global challenges. What’s more, a research paper on a topic in this subject can drive action and deliver change. Contents Choosing Sustainability Topics for Your Project Top Sustainability Topics for Research Papers Sustainability Persuasive Speech...


Limitations in Research: Academic Writing Manual

March 18, 2021

It’s normal to encounter limitations in research. However, you should focus on minimizing the limitations that you face throughout your research process. Additionally, acknowledge the limitations you encounter when conducting your research in the conclusion. And do that as honestly as possible. Ideally, it’s better to highlight and acknowledge your study’s shortcomings instead of leaving them out. That’s because your assessor will most likely point out the limitations of your study. And when discussing your research limitations, don’t just list them with a short description. Instead, explain how the limitations affected the findings of your case study. A study can...


123 Best Motivational Speech Topics

March 11, 2021

Words are powerful. They can bring a person down or lift them. Words can tear a person apart or heal a heartbroken individual. That’s why many people love writing about motivational speech topics. When disappointed, let down, or depressed, a person may want to hear something motivating. They need somebody to convince them that they can move on with life. Some people feel stuck in their horrible, current situations and even see no reason to continue living. That’s why motivating words come in handy. When packaged properly, a motivational speech can change how a person perceives the world. And this...


300 Funny Topics For Speech and Essay Writing

March 4, 2021

Writing about funny topics is the surest way to catch your educator’s attention. Carefully selected funny story topics make your professor laugh. They may also be the reason why your tutor will remember you after the exercise. When it comes to talking to crowds, funny speech topics will cheer everyone in the audience. Here is a list of funny topics to write about, whether it’s a speech, research paper, or presentation. Contents Funny Argument Topics Funny Topics about Food Funny Debate Topics for Middle School Funny Debate Topics for High School Students Funny Informative Speech Topics for College Students Funny...


Tone in Writing: Definition, Types, Tips

February 25, 2021

Tone writing is a major challenge for most learners. A short story or a novel is characterized by concrete elements like plot, subject matter, theme, the main character, and viewpoint of the author. Tone and voice are more ineffable but also important characteristics of quality writing. When used properly, tone and voice can transcend your words in writing. They can help you create characters and a fictional world will feel real to your readers. Whether you want to write a book, an email, or a tweet, it would help if you could use a tone and voice that defines your...


200 Social Psychology Topics (Updated for 2022)

February 18, 2021

If you are reading our blog post, it means you are looking for social psychology topics. We can bet you want to get the best topics possible. The longer the list of ideas, the better. Today, you are in luck. We have 200 social psychology topics for you and each and every one of them is free to use. You can use our social psychology research topics as they are or reword them as you see fit. To help as many students as possible, our ENL writers and editors are constantly updating the list. Most of these social psychology topics...


Critical Reading: Tips To Boost Your Skills

February 11, 2021

Critical reading requires a person to be actively engaged in the materials they read. The goal of this reading is to understand the ideas of the author clearly and then question and evaluate their arguments or supporting evidence. After that, the reader forms their opinions about what they have read. This kind of reading is a skill that requires you to do more than consume information passively. However, you get more from any material you read once you develop this skill. A critical reader believes that any text presents more than a single portrayal of all facts. One portrayal is...


Commemoration Speech Writing Step-By-Step

February 4, 2021

A commemoration speech is a talk that people give at special events as a way to celebrate, recall, or show respect for something, somebody, or a place. For instance, a person can give this speech to celebrate a group, a person, a place, a situation, an event, an idea, or an institution. Some people also call it a ceremonial speech. So, is a eulogy a commemorative speech? This is probably the question lingering in your mind right now. Well, the answer is yes. A eulogy is a form of commemorative speech. Other commemorative speech examples include: Nomination speech Goodwill speech Wedding toast Award acceptance speech...


100 Most Controversial Science Topics Today

January 28, 2021

Let's face it: finding the best controversial science topics is not as easy as it sounds. Yes, you may be able to go online and find some topics. However, you are most likely going to run into some problems. First, the topics you find online are not original. They are not even interesting in most cases. And second, many in your class will take the same approach. In other words, you will end up writing the same essay as 5 other students in your class. You won't get any points on such science controversial topics, that's for sure. You will...


100 Best Human Rights Topics (Updated for 2022)

January 21, 2021

Finding the best human rights topics can take hours. Why would you waste your time when you can get some awesome human rights topics with just a few mouse clicks? Take a look at our list of 100 human rights essay topics and simply pick the ones you like. With our help, you can write a civil rights essay or a human rights violation essay in just one day. All the topics in our list are original and work great in 2022. Of course, we are updating the list frequently to make sure you are able to get at least...


Top 100 Physics Topics For Your Project

January 14, 2021

You’re looking for physics topics because you’ve probably been asked to write a paper or essay by your educator. Physics entails the study of energy and matter. It also involves the study of how they interact with each other. This study field is generally broad and this makes choosing interesting physics topics to write about challenging. You can easily find mastering physics problem solutions, but choosing a topic for your own project is something completely different. Nevertheless, physics is among the fundamental sciences that enable students to understand their world and how the universe and all things therein function. And,...


How To Write A Concert Report?

January 4, 2021

What is a concert report essay? Concert report essays are a type of review in which writers share their personal experience and opinion related to a live performance in any area of music. Many concert report writers publish their pieces in national or local newspapers and magazines that cater to a specific kind of music. Writers come from all walks of life but have two things in common: 1) their love of music and 2) their ability to write well. During your time in school, you may be asked to write concert report essays for a writing or musical learning...


100 Computer Science Topics For You Next Project

December 24, 2020

Are you looking for the best computer science topics for academic papers or essays? If yes, you’ve come to the right place. Here, you will find a list of research topics in computer science from which you can choose what to write about. Computer science entails the study of computational systems and computers. The work of computer scientists mostly revolves around software systems and software. This includes design, development, theory, and application. Since computer science keeps evolving, new computer science research topics are always emerging. Educators ask students to write academic papers and essays on these topics to familiarize themselves...

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